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Department & Facilities

Ananya College of Ayurveda

Department of Samhita and Siddhanta

Ayurveda is ancient science of medicine in India since last Five Thousand Years. Despite of many advances in sciences. Ayurveda with its unique conceptual platform is not just a Science of Medicine but a unique Science of life. This Department deals with the study of Philosophical fundamental approach of Ayurveda. The name of the department itself suggests that it elaborates the basic concepts of diagnosis and treatment given in Samhita. Understanding of Samhita is key to the great success as a Vaidya.

Darshana Shastra and the scientific base laid by them enable to amplify and implement the concepts. Sanskrit is the basic subject which has been taught to the students through this department. The subject has been included in the curriculum as it is the language of the ancient Ayurvedic texts. It has been looked upon that the student must be well versed with the language so as he would be able to read and absorb the concept explained.

Departmental Features :

Department of Kriyasharira

‘Human physiology’ or the study of functional aspects of human body is designed by the term ‘Kriyasharira’ in Ayurveda literature. Kriyasharira is the science of normal function of the body with special knowledge about different system of the body including the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal, reproductive system are examined using approaches ranging from molecular and cellular to whole organism levels.

Facilities in department :


Rachanasharir is a basic subject of medical science. It is called as Anatomy in modern medicine. The department is engaged in teaching of the fundamentals of Ayurvedic Anatomy i.e. Sira, dhamni Srotas Sharir, MarmaSharir (Vital points), Shavachhedan (cadaveric dissection) etc. It comprises of structural study as well as metaphysical study of human body. As per UG syllabus of RachanaSharir topics of similar content and Correlative study are explained to students. The department is strengthened by different teaching modalities like E- education facilities, Educational CDs, a library with Approximate 100 books and a tutorial room. Practical and theoretical trainings are given to students to understand the external and internal structures of human body. To deal with this subject whole body dissection is performed on the cadaver/ dead body. Surface anatomy and internal anatomy of the whole body is taught to the BAMS students. Besides normal anatomy, applied aspects are also explained to the students. Slow learners are given respective help in coping up with medical education in mentor program.

Department has a full- fledged laboratory with :

Department also organizes monthly tests, spotting and MCQs on topics of Ayurvedic anatomy for the development of students.

Department of Roga Vijnana and Vikriti Vijnana

In view of the importance of the Roga Vijnana and Vikriti Vijnana in Ayurved the syllabus Committee of CCIM change its teaching from third BAMS to second BAMS it was done within aim to teach the students regarding diagnosis and identification of disease. According Charaka रोगं आदौ परीक्षेत that means the disease should be first diagnosed and then only medicine, diet be prescribed. With this motto Ananya college of Ayurved and Department of RVVV equipped withMordanised testing laboratory with biochemical and serological testThe object is the students should thorough in diagnosis and to confirm the diagnosis, modern parameters to use to make it confirm.Moreoverwith the advent of scientific development our students should not be behind from modern developments.

We have…

Introduction of Dravyaguna

Dravyagunashstra is an important and integral system of Ayurvedic system of medicine. Dravyagunavignana is the Science which deals with drugs (Dravya), their properties (Guna) and action (Karma).It provides the principles of ayurvedic pharmacognosy and pharmacology with a special focus on identification of controversial drugs,adulterants and substitutes used in Ayurveda practices. Dravyaguna deals knowledge of nomenclature (Namjnana), pharmacognosy (Rupajnana), pharmacology (Gunajnana) and pharmacotherapeutics (Yuktijnana).

Facilities of Dravyaguna department

Department of Rasa Shsatra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

Department of Rasa Shsatra& Bhaishajya Kalpana (Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals) stand as one of the important department of the Ayurveda. It deals with preparation principles of herbo-mineral medicine formulations using Mercury, various metals, minerals and also various herbs and its practical implementations. The department is imparting teaching both in theory and practical on the subjects of Rasashastra& Bhaishajya Kalpana to the under graduate students of this college. The pharmacy attached to Rasashastra Dept. is functioning under direct supervision of the H.O.D. of Rasashastra Dept. and administrative control of Principal of the college. It is manufacturing about 60 no.s of Ayurvedic medicines by classical methods. Medicines are being prepared using various raw drugs collected from local market and from our herbal garden.


In the Dept. different types of formulations like Vati, Vataka, Churna, Bhasma, Kupipakwa,Rasaousadhi, Parpati, Pottali, Varti, Asavarishta, Arkaetc. are prepared. UG practicals are taken regularly. The department is well equipped with all instruments which are needed for UG practical. There is a well maintained museum containing all the specimens of metals, minerals, herbal drugs, pharmacy model along with lot of charts related to study syllabus etc. for the benefit of students. For UG students Pharmacy visits are organized during the academic year to know about the pharmacy and industrial management regarding manufacturing. Department is attached with the Ananya Ayurveda Pharma, where more than 60 products are prepared presently which will be increased gradually to 100 products for the benefit of Adarsh Ayurveda Hospital attached with college.

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